Strength and Conditioning

150203: Intervals, Kinda

BBG: 1) 3X5 Clean from Power Position@70%


2A) Deadlift 40X5, 50X5, 60X5, R60 2B) 3X10 Toes-to-bar, R60


Every 3 minutes for as long as possible complete:

From 0:00-3:00 2 rounds of: 10 overhead squats 10 chest-to-bar pull-ups From 3:00-6:00 2 rounds of: 12 overhead squats 12 chest-to-bar pull-ups From 6:00-9:00 2 rounds of: 14 overhead squats 14 chest-to-bar pull-ups Etc., following same pattern until you fail to complete both rounds


4A) 3X10 Glute-ham raises, RAN 4B) 3XME HS Walk, for form and distance, RAN

150202: Deload

Olympic: 1) 3X5 Snatch from power-position@70%


2A) Press: 40X5, 50X5, 60X5, R60

2B) Chest-to-bar pull-up or progression: 3X10, R60


3) 10" AMRAP:

30 Double-unders

15 Power Snatches (75/55)


4)Alternating EMOM for 14 minutes:

Even minutes, starting with 0:00: 3 Muscle-ups or progression

Odd minutes, starting with 1:00: 30 Double-unders

5) L-sit on parallettes: Accumulate as much time as possible in 5 minutes.


150123: A Beastly Five

Strength: 1A) Back Squat 75X5, 85X3, 90XME (Weights are based off of your Training Max), R90

1B) 3XME Strict HSPU + Kipping HSPU


2) 5 minute AMRAP:

Clean and Jerk (Any style) @ 70-80% of 1RM CJ

The goal is to perform reps equivalent to the difference of your chosen percentage and 100%. For example, if you choose to use 75%, try to get 25 reps (100%-75%=25 reps). If you choose 80%, the goal would be 20 reps (100%-80%=20 reps).

150119: MLK Jr. Day

No 7:15-8:15AM class today. However, Griff will be opening up at 6:15AM if any of you want to get in on some Open Gym earlier. All afternoon classes as scheduled. BBG:

Find a 1RM of the Complex:

5 Hang Snatches (Unbroken. You may use straps)


2A) Press: 75X5, 85X3, 90XME, R60 2B) 3XME Pull-ups, R60


3) 7" AMRAP:



4A) 3X40 second L-sit (Accumulate the time if you cannot hold the L-sit unbroken), R90 4B) 3X10 Strict banded muscle-up, with dip, R90


150114: Ass Kick

BBG: 1) Find a 5RM Jerk


2A) Bench Press 65X5, 75X5, 85XME, R60 2B) Strict weighted pull-up 3X8, R60


10" AMRAP:

60 Lateral Burpees 30 OHS (120/100/ or 65%) 10 Muscle-up


Before conditioning:

4A) 3X10 Ring Dip, R60 4B) 3XME Weighted Plank

Ark Barbell:

1) Snatch: 60X3, 70X3, 80X2X3 2) CJ: 60X2, 70X2, 80X2X2 3) Clean High Pull: 90X4X4 4) Snatch Deadlift: 95X4X4 5) FS: 60X3, 70X3X3, 80X2X2 6) Push-press: 60X3X2, 65X3X2, 70X3X2 7) Good Morning: 4X6
