Workout of the day, May 9th, 2016.
150615: Week 5
BBG: 1) Find a max 3-position Snatch
Compare to first week: 150518
2A) 4X3 Hang Snatch High-pull@110% of 3 position
2B) 4X5 Pendlay row
3) 4 rounds for reps:
2 minute AMRAP:
Rope Climbs
rest 2 minutes
1) Box Shoulder Stretch 4×0:20 2) 2×0:30 Inverted Hollow Hold on Bar, if you cannot do an inverted hollow hold, do 2X10 Floor-lever negatives.
3) 3×6 SLOW Chest to Rings Pull-Ups with false grip 1331 tempo
4) Spend 5:00-10:00 Working on Handstand Hold on Floor without moving your hands
5) Find a max of the complex, then 3X1@90% of today's max. Try to go heavier than the first week. Give yourself no more than 15 minutes to find a max.
150605: An Hour of Strength
BBG: Competition:
Arrive at least 30 minutes early to complete this work, 45 minutes is optimal.
1) 10 minutes to 3RM Hang Snatch, then repeat for three sets
2) 10 minutes to find a 2RM Hang Clean + 1 Jerk, then repeat for three sets
1) BS: 1X10@60, 1X10@65, 1X8@70, 1X8@75%
2A) FS: 1X5@60, 1X5@65, 2X5@70
2B) 4X8 close grip bench
3A) 3XME Strict Pull-up
3B) 3X8 Good Morning
150513: Deload Day
BBG: 1) 10" to find a 5RM Muscle-Snatch (no garbage reps)
2) 10" to find a 2RM Snatch from the hip (no misses)
3) 10" to find a 2RM Clean from the Power Position (no misses)
All movements should be light to medium-heavy, and FAST!
4) 10" AMRAP:
If you haven't already, you should be following Outlaw Connectivity, completing the workouts preferably before class, though after class is fine, too, but you'll be less likely to do them if you wait. Most of these workouts may be done at home, especially if you have a pull-up bar (which everyone should have a pul-up bar at home, FYI). Here is your extra work for today:
5A) 4X5 Strict Supinated pull-ups 5B) 4X5 Weighted GH Raise 5C) 4X8 Diamind Push-ups 5D) 4X15 Reverse Hypers (light)
No rest between sets
150401: The Real Workout
150320: "15.4"
Strength: 1A) Back Squat 55X5, 70X5, 80X5, 90XME, R90 1B) Box Jump 4X3, AHAP***
***Use a box height that is challenging, but not a true max height. The point is not to feed your ego, the point is to jump high.
2) "15.4
8" AMRAP: 3 HSPU 3 Cleans 6 HSPU 3 Cleans 9 HSPU 3 Cleans 12/6, 15/6, 18/6, 21/9, 24/9, 27/9, 30/12....
150306: Intervals, Maybe, Not Really
1A) Back Squat 40X5, 50X5, 60X5, R90
1B) 3X12 HSPU, R90
Compare to: 150203
Every 3 minutes for as long as possible complete:
From 0:00-3:00 2 rounds of: 10 overhead squats 10 chest-to-bar pull-ups
From 3:00-6:00 2 rounds of: 12 overhead squats 12 chest-to-bar pull-ups
From 6:00-9:00 2 rounds of: 14 overhead squats 14 chest-to-bar pull-ups
Etc., following same pattern until you fail to complete both rounds
150302: Deload 2
1) 5X3 Pause Snatch@80% of 3RM
2A) Press: 40X5, 50X5, 60X5, R60
2B) 4X10 Kipping Chest-to-bar pull-ups, R60
3) 3 rounds:
50 Double-unders
50 WBS
Compare to: 150216
4A) 3X10 Banded muscle-up
4B) 3X15 GHD sit-up
150227: 15.1 + 15.1A
No 12PM Class on Saturday. 8AM class instead for the next 5 weeks (through March). Strength:
1A) Back Squat 65X5, 75X5, 85X3, 95XME, R90 1B) 4XME HSPU in 1:30, R90
2) "15.1"
9 minute AMRAP: 15 Toes-to-bar 10 Deadlift (115/75) 5 Snatches (115/75) then...
6 minutes to establish a 1RM Clean and Jerk
If completing workout Saturday, for today:
1A) Back Squat 65X5, 75X5, 85X3, 95XME, R90 1B) 4XME UB Strict HSPU -1 rep
2) 4X500m row, rest 1:1
3A) 3X15 Back extension (light) 3B) 3 Attempts to establish a Max Distance Handstand Walk