1) Hang Snatch: 60X3, (70X3)2, (80X3)2 2) Hang Clean: 60X4, (70X3)2, (80X3)2
3) Clean Pull (no elbow bend): (85X4)4
4) FS: 60X4, (70X4)2, (80X3)3
5) Push-press: 60X4, (65X4)2, (70X4)2
The average person goes on 126 diets in their lifetime! If diets worked, you’d only need to go on one. They don’t work.
“Money is numbers and numbers never end. If it takes money to be happy, your search for happiness will never end.” -Robert Nesta Marley
1) Hang Snatch: 60X3, (70X3)2, (80X3)2 2) Hang Clean: 60X4, (70X3)2, (80X3)2
3) Clean Pull (no elbow bend): (85X4)4
4) FS: 60X4, (70X4)2, (80X3)3
5) Push-press: 60X4, (65X4)2, (70X4)2
150120:1) Power Snatch + OHS: 60X3, 65X3, (70X3)2 2) Power Clean + Power Jerk: 60X3, 65X3, (70X3)2
1) Snatch: 60X4, 70X4, (80X3)32) Clean + Jerk: 60X4+1, 70X4+1, (80X3+1)3 3) Jerk: 70X3, (80X3)3 4) Snatch High-pull: (85X3)2, (90X3)2 5) BS: 60X4, 70X4, (80X3)3 6) Romanian Deadlift: (85X4)4 (based off 1RM Clean) 7) Push-press: 60X4, 65X4, (70X4)2
1) Snatch: 60X2, 70X2, (80X2)32) CJ: 60X2, 70X2, (80X2)3 3) Snatch pull (no elbow): (90X3)4 4) BS: 60X3, 70X3, (80X3)3 5) BN Jerk: (80X3)4
Ark Barbell: 1) Power Snatch + OHS: 60X3+3, 65X3+3, (70X3+3)2
2) Power Clean and Power Jerk: 60X3, 65X3, (70X3)2
3) Romanian Deadlift: (85X4)4 (of 1RM Clean)
BBG: 1) Find a 5RM Jerk
2A) Bench Press 65X5, 75X5, 85XME, R60 2B) Strict weighted pull-up 3X8, R60
10" AMRAP:
60 Lateral Burpees 30 OHS (120/100/ or 65%) 10 Muscle-up
Before conditioning:
4A) 3X10 Ring Dip, R60 4B) 3XME Weighted Plank
Ark Barbell:
1) Snatch: 60X3, 70X3, 80X2X3 2) CJ: 60X2, 70X2, 80X2X2 3) Clean High Pull: 90X4X4 4) Snatch Deadlift: 95X4X4 5) FS: 60X3, 70X3X3, 80X2X2 6) Push-press: 60X3X2, 65X3X2, 70X3X2 7) Good Morning: 4X6
Olympic: 1) Find a 1RM of the complex:
3 Hang Cleans + 2 FS
2A) Deadlift 65X5, 75X5, 85XME, R60 2B) 3XME Toes-to-bar
3) 15" AMRAP:
9 Deadlift (155/100) 12 Push-up 15 Box Jump
4A) 3X10 Glute-ham raises, R60 4B) 3X10 Ring swings with false grip
1) Power Snatch: 60X3, 65X3, 70X3X2 2) Power Clean: 60X3, 65X3, 70X3X2 3) Snatch Deadlift: 90X4X4 4) Behind the Neck (BN) Power Jerk: 60X4, 65X4, 70X4X2
BBG: 1) Find a 1RM of the complex:
3 Hang Snatch + 2 OHS
2A) Press 65X5, 75X5, 85XME, R60
2B) 3XME Pull-up, R60
3) Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes of: 30 Double-unders 15 Power snatches (75lbs /55lbs)
Competition team:
4A) 3X10 Muscle-up transition practice with dip
4B) 3XME HS Walk
Ark Barbell:
1) Snatch: 60X2, 70X2X3, 75X2X2
2) CJ: 60X2+2, 70X2+2X3, 75X2+2X2
3) Snatch Pull (No elbow bend): 80X3X4
4) Clean Deadlift: 80X4X4
5) Back Squat: 60X3, 70X3X3, 75X3X2
6) Push-press: 60X3X2, 65X3X2, 70X2X2
7) Good Morning: 4X7 AHAP
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