150626: Strength All Day

Connectivity: To be performed before or after class.

1) 3X12 Arch/hollow rolls

2) 3X8 Hips to rings

3) 1X10 Floor Levers + 10 second descent


To be performed before class. Allot yourself at least 30 minutes to complete.

1) 10 minutes to find a 3RM Snatch from Hang, repeat max for three sets

2) 10 minutes to find a Hang CJ Double, repeat max for three sets


4) BS: 1X4@75%, 3X4@80%

5A) FS: 1X5@60%, 1X5@65%, 2X5@70%

5B) 4X3 Close Grip Bench

6A) 3X8 Weighted Pull-up

6B) 3X8 Good Mornings

Jon Photo