In ten minutes:
With an empty barbell, grab as many quality sets as possible. Do not add weight to barbell:
10 On-toe-split Jerks, alternating feet
10 Banded Jerk dips (3 sec pause at bottom of dip)
1) Split Jerk 70x3, 75x3, 80x3, 85x3
2A) 4X12 strict HSPU (if first set UB, add deficit. Athlete must be able to get at least 6 UB, if not, reduce ROM)
2B) BS: 70x2x3
3) For time:
150 Double-unders
50 Deadlift (135/95)
40 Toe-to-bar
30 Burpees
20 Power CJ (135/95)
10 Muscle-ups (ring or bar)
1) 5X5 OHS, AHAP
2) Go to NE Pool and swim for 20-30 minutes, or go on a run with HR at or below 140-150 BPM (you will be walking) for 20-30 minutes
Postural Restoration:
1A) internal rotation bridge
1B) iso plank
2) 20X Croc breath