In ten minutes:
2 rounds with an empty barbell:
5 FS
5 On-toe-SJ
5 Good Mornings
then, work up to 70%, CJ
1) Clean and Jerk:
75x2, 80x2, 85x2, 90x2, 85x2
2A) BS: 70x6x8
2B) 4x12 C2B PU (one set of pull-ups every other set of BS)
Coach's notes: Stress quality over quantity on pull-ups. Practice keeping tight arch/hollow positions and finding a good rhythm.
3) For reps:
10 rounds:
30 sec ME Air-dyne
30 sec rest
#1, then:
Clean first pull with 3 sec pause at knee, 5X5 90-100% (heavier than last week)
then, #3
#2A, 2B, then:
With a continuously running clock, 20 minute cap:
5 rounds:
10 UB Thrusters (95/65)
10 UB Toe-to-bar
rest 1:00 between rounds.
Then, exactly 1:00 after fifth round:
5 rounds:
10 UB Power Snatch (95/65)
10 Bar-facing burpees
rest 1:00 between rounds
20 minute time-cap.
Postural restoration:
After AM or PM session:
3 sets:
1) 90/90 5-10 breaths
2) Side planks 5 breaths each side
3) 20x Alternating Superhumans