10x90/90 breaths
20x leg swings each leg
10x Scorpions (5 each side)
10x Push-up + Downward dog
10x SLDL with quad stretch
Warm-up to 80% of 1RM Snatch
Every 1:15 for 10 rounds:
Snatch 80x1x4 sets
***then, 85x1, 90x1, 95x1, 97.5x1, 100x1, 103x1***
***Only one attempt at each weight, if a miss occurs, stay at that weight. You may increase weight if you make it on a second attempt. Stop at ten rounds.
With a 20:00 running clock...
1) 12:00 AMRAP of:
30 Double-Unders
15 TTB
15 Clean & Jerks (anyhow) 115/75#
2) With the remainder of the 20:00 clock:
Establish a max of the complex: 1 Power Snatch + 3 OHS