Run 400m
15 Band-pull and press
3 rounds:
3 Butterfly pull-ups + 3 C2B Pull-ups + 3 BMU (the goal is to go UB)
HS walk 25 feet
1A) Push-press 4X5@70-80% of 5RM
1B) OHS: 4X5@70-80% of 5RM
30” AMRAP with HR below 150BPM
15 HSPU (any style)
Run 400m
15 Ring-dips
Run 400m
15 Burpees
Run 400m
Extra work:
Preferably done as AM/PM work, or with a 2-4 hour gap between sessions.
1) Bench 3X5 @80% of 5RM
2) Tabata hollow holds
3) 3x10 Ab roll-out