20x leg swings each leg
10x Breathes in hollow position
10x Push-up + Downward dog
10x SLDL with quad stretch
Starting with an empty barbell, complete a round of the complex below, working up to working weight in 5 minutes
Every 2 minutes for 5 rounds at 70% across of Max for the complex:
(All sets at 70% of max for complex, do not add weight)
3 Snatch high-pull + 2 Full snatches + 1 OHS
30:00 AMRAP with HR at or below 150 BPM:
100 meter Farmer’s Carry Left arm
100 meter Farmer’s Carry Right arm
3 rounds of Cindy:
5 Strict Pull-ups
10 Hand-release Push-ups
15 Glute-bridges
1:00 Hollow Hold