

DROM Drills

3 rounds:

Snatch warm-up


1) Find a max in 5-7 sets: 1 Snatch + 1 Hang Snatch + 1 OHS

2) Find a max in 5 sets: 1 Clean + 1 FS + 1 Jerk


3) With a partner:

10" AMRAP:

Partner 1 performs 50 Double-unders

Partner 2 performs a chin-and-toes HS hold while partner 1 completes the dubs. If partner 2 drops before partner 1 is done with dubs, perform 10 burpees, then switch.

10 minutes to: 

Run 1 mile together, rest remainder of 10 minutes.

10" AMRAP:

Tag-team style:

20 Ring-dips

20 Toe-to-bar

20 Pistol squats