15 Pass-throughs
3 rounds:
5 Arch/hollow swings + 5 HIp-to-bar
5 Front squats with BB
1) FS: 60x5, 70x5, 80xME
2A) 4x5 Snatch first-pull with 3 second pause at knee, AHAP w/ perfect technique
2B) 4x10 Strict Deficit HSPU + ME Strict HSPU
3) 10 rounds:
30 sec ME AD
30 sec rest
Then, no rest:
10” AMRAP:
5 BMU (or hip-to-bar)
10 OHS (135/93)
(optional finisher):
Then, no rest
10 rounds:
30 sec ME AD
30 sec rest
Extra work:
1) 5x3 T&G Power Snatch, rest exactly 2:00 (work to a near 3RM, must be done before regular work, NO EXCEPTIONS)
After regular work:
Static holds:
2) Tabata Hollow hold
3) Tabata Arch-hold