2-position Snatch practice with empty BB, then working up to 70% in 10 minutes.
1) 2-position Snatch: 80x1x4 (hang, low-hang (plates 2 inches from floor))
2) 2-position Clean: 80x1x4 (same as Snatch)
3) Push-Jerk + Jerk: 4x1 heaviest possible (four sets after warm-ups, above 75%)
4) In teams of two for two rounds:
3 minutes each station:
1) Run 400m (Both partners run together, rest remainder of time)
2) 200m Sand Bag Bear-hug Carry (P1 100m, P2 100m)
3) Prowler Push (hi/low P1, then switch, work entire 3 minutes)
4) ME Handstand Walk for distance, 25ft increments (if no HS walk then partner wheel barrel, switch every 25 feet)
5) ME AD for Calories, tag-team style, sprinting
6) 1:00 Hollow Hold, 1:00 Arch hold, 1:00 rest (both partners working together)