10” AMRAP:
10 Jumping Back Squats
10 Single-leg RDLs (may be unweighted, 5 each leg)
10 Handstand shoulder shrugs
Work up to 60% of your 1RM Power Clean and Power Jerk
1) Starting at 60% of 1RM Power Clean and Power Jerk and adding weight every round, drop weight after first miss
5 Touch and Go Power Clean and Power Jerk every 2 minutes for 10 minutes
rest 2 minutes
2) 1xME Power Clean and Power Jerk at 80% of 5RM
3A) Deadlift 5x5@60-70%, fast ascent, rest 90 sec
3B) 4x10 Deficit Strict HSPU + ME UB Strict HSPU***, rest 90 sec
***Make the deficit hard enough that you have to break up the set, but can finish in under 90 seconds, then immediately after 10th rep, go into ME UB Strict HSPU (even if you just get 1 rep). If no deficit then reduce range of motion for ME UB set.
4) 10” AMRAP:
30 Dubs
15 Burpee box jumps (24"/20")
10 Toe-to-bar