3 rounds:
10 Half-kneeling bottoms-up KB press (5 each arm)
10 Kang Squats empty BB
1) CJ complex:
5x1 Clean Pull + 1 Hang Clean + 3 FS + 1 Jerk, no misses, rest 90 seconds strict between sets
Strength and Skill:
2A) 4x8 Thruster AHAP, rest 90 sec
2B) 4x:45 sec ME C2B Pull-ups, rest 90 sec
3) For total reps:
Perform as a chipper. 2 minute AMRAP, then 1 minute rest.
C) Airdyne
D) Rope Climbs
E) Target Burpees
Extra work:
Ideally, you would do this in the morning, then return to do class in the afternoon, or vis-versa. If that is not possible, rest until HR has dropped to normal after conditioning (70-90 BPM), then:
Aerobic capacity test:
1) 5k row for time.
HR between 145-150 BPM (yes, only 5BPM difference. Keep it in that window.
Postural restoration:
2A) 3 sets Deadbugs, 10 breaths
2B) 3 sets ISO Plank, 10 breaths