3 rounds:
15 Shoulder dislocates
15 Drop Snatch
then, work up to of 60% using the complex below
1) 5x1, 3 Position Snatch (Mid-hang, hang, floor), rest exactly 90 seconds, no misses
2) BS: 60x5, 70x5, 75x5, 80x5***
***Chase each set with 5 arch-hollow swings, or
3) 4 rounds for time:
10 Clean and Jerks (135/93)
50 Double-unders
Extra work:
1A) Close-grip Bench Press, find a 5RM, then -5%, -10% for 5 reps
1B) Chase each bench set with a set of 8 DB or KB single-arm rows, 8L/8R
2) 3x10 Lever negatives
3 sets:
1) 90/90 5 breaths
2) Side planks 5 breaths each side
3) 20x Alternating Superhumans