150911: Snatch Efficiency Test

Connectivity: In class:

1) Tabata Arch holds 2) Tabata Hollow Holds

Extra credit:

3) 3X8 Hips to rings or Arch/hollow swing on rings 4) 1X10 Floor Levers + 10 second descent


1) EMOM for 5 rounds:

2 Snatch @ 80%

2) E90 for 5 rounds:

2 Clean and Jerk @ 80%


2A) 4XME Muscle-up, or 4X5 anyhow (or progression plus strict supinated pull-up) 2B) 4X5 RDL, heavier than last week


After Class:

30 Stone-to-shoulder for time*

*EMOM perform 10 Pull-ups