Connectivity: 1) Tabata Arch holds 2) Tabata Hollow Holds 3) Bar Muscle-up Progression Part 2.
Practice the drill in the above video on the low-bar outside, using a stack of tires to push against with your feet.
Watch this video also:
4) Bar Muscle-up Progression Part 3.
If you feel good, and have the prerequisites, try a BMU on the bars outside.
Here is Part 1, as well, if you haven't seen it yet. Here, Paoli describes the prerequisites for the BMU:
5) Bar Muscle-up Progression Part 1
Competition team only:
1) Max Snatch 2) Max CJ
If you are doing the extra work, but not going to Crush, do this, instead:
1) 3RM Hang Snatch 2) 2RM Hang CJ (Jerk after each Clean)
3) BS: 1X5@60, 70, 2X5@75
4A) FS: 1X5@65, 70, 75 4B) 4X2 Bench Press
5A) 3XME Tempo Pull-up, 3033 5B) 3X8 Good Mornings