Olympic: 1) 5X1 2-Position Clean + 1 Jerk
2A) 6X3+6 FS+BS@94% of Monday, R90
2B) 3XME Strict HSPU, R60*
*Perform a set of strict HSPU after every two sets of squats.
2 rounds for reps:
3" AMRAP KB Snatch
2" AMRAP Double-Unders
Jerk 3X3@-10% of Monday's best
Back Squat 3X3@-10% of Monday's best
Bench Press 3X3@-10% of Monday's best
Jerk Drive 5X1@100% of CJ
Push-press 3X3@-10% of Monday's best
Weighted Sit-ups 5X5