2 sets, 10x bent-over T's, Y's, and I's
followed by…
Two Sets of:
Viking Sloth Press x 5 reps
Rest as needed
Ab Wheel Rollouts x 10 reps
(wear a weight vest or place weight on upper back if possible)
Rest as needed
Strongman Conditioning Session
Two sets of:
300-Foot Overhead Yoke Carry
Rest 3-4 minutes
150-Foot Farmer’s Walk
(turn at every 50-foot mark)
Rest 3-4 minutes
Three sets of:
150-Foot Reverse Sled Drags
Rest 60 seconds
Rest 3 minutes, and then…
Three sets of:
150-Foot Harnessed Sled Pulls
Rest 60 seconds
Rest 3 minutes, and then…
150-Foot Sled Sprints (for max speed – light load)
Rest 60 seconds
Two rounds, without rest, of:
30 seconds of Lateral Dumbbell Raises for max reps
30 seconds of Hercules Hold with Thumbs Facing Up
Rest 2 minutes, and then…
30 seconds of Dumbbell Shoulder Presses for max reps
30 seconds of Hercules Hold with Palms Facing Up