In ten minutes:
With an empty barbell, grab as many quality sets as possible. Do not add weight to barbell:
10 On-toe-split Jerks, alternating feet
10 Banded Jerk dips (3 sec pause at bottom of dip)
1) Split Jerk 75x2, 80x2, 85x2, 80x2
2A) 4XME strict HSPU, or Press 4X8
2B) BS: 70x2x3
3) For time:
With a partner:
Run 1 mile (together)
20 Synchronized Burpees
60 Toe-to-bar (tag-team style)
200m Buddy carry
Extra work:
1) 5X5 OHS, AHAP
Postural restoration:
1A) 3x5 internal rotation bridge
1B) 3x5 iso plank
2) 20X Croc breath