

In ten minutes:

With an empty barbell, 2 rounds:

3 Hang Snatch pull + 3 Hang Snatch + 3 SGBN Sots press

then, work up to 70% snatching doubles


1) Snatch:

70x2, 75x2, 80x2, 85x2, 90x2


2A) FS: 70x2, 75x2, 81x4x4

2B) 6x1 Strict Muscle-up + ME Muscle-ups, or Muscle-up transitions, or ME Dips, or ME Strict pull-ups


3) 10 minute AMRAP:

30 Dubs

ME UB Strict HSPU (yes, I mean it this time)***

***When you fail or come off the wall, 30 dubs… even if you can only do one or two strict HSPU.

Extra work:

1A) 5x5 RDL, AHAP

1B) 1:00 weighted plank

Postural restoration:

3 sets:

1) 90/90 5 breaths

2) Side planks 5 breaths each side

3) 20x Alternating Superhumans