Bicep opener 2 sets
3 rounds:
5 Split press
5 On-toe-split Jerks (all dominant leg)
1) Find a split Jerk 3RM
2A) Back squat 3RM (3 sets within 90% or heavier of 3RM), 5-7 total sets climbing
2B) 5x3 UB strict deficit + ME strict from floor (add deficit each round if 3UB)
2C) Find a 3RM Push-press in 5-7 sets with 3 sets within 90% or higher of 3RM
3) For time:
Run 800m
30 T2B
60 WBS
30 T2B
Run 800m
*******Partner option:
Run 800m
60 T2B (tag-team style)
120 Partner WBS (each squat counts as 1, or 60 WBS each, passing the med-ball to each other through the target)
30 T2B
Run 800
4) Floor Press 5x5
5) 4x10 Dragonfly