10x Pass-throughs
T-spine mobility drills
40 leg swings (20 each leg)
EMOM for 5 minutes:
1 Snatch high-pull + 1 Power Snatch + 1 OHS with BB up to 50%
1) Power Snatch from mid-hang 5x5, Find a new 5RM
2A) Snatch first pull 3x10 (perfect but heavier than last week across sets)
2B) 3x5 strict pull-ups + 10-15 perfect kipping pull-ups
3) For total time:
7 rounds
10 Lateral burpees over bar
7 Clean and Jerk (115/95)
Rest exactly :30 seconds between rounds
Accessory work:
4) 3x10 Snatch grip RDL
5A) Bent-row 3x10
5B) Weighted hollow rocks 3x20
6A) Bicep curls 3x10
6B) Powell raise 3x10
7) Banded curls 1x50