90/90 breathing x10 breaths (broken up however)
1 round:
World’s Greatest stretch x5 each side
40 leg swings (20 each leg, forward and back)
10 BS with empty BB
1A) BS: 3x10@90% plus of 10RM, working to a new 10RM, or 70% plus (if you have a 10RM, go based off of that)
1B) 4x5 strict HSPU + 10 Kipping HSPU (Treat this like practice. Get better at kipping. Reps may be UB)
2A) 3x10 Reverse Front-rack lunge (5 each leg, heavier than last week)
2B) 3xME Strict Ring-dips (use a band or partner assist if not you cannot perform at least 8 UB)
3) For quality:
10 TGU (5 each arm)
20 Single-arm OHS (10 each arm)
30 Push-ups
Accessory work:
4) 1-arm DB Bench press 3x10 (you can also do just bench, here)
Note: #4 should be done before the conditioning. 5A and 5B can be done after
5A) 5x20 Banded tricep extension
5B) Weighted sit-up 5x10 (low back keeps contact on floor)