Run 400m
3 rounds:
30 Double-unders
:30 sec hollow hold
:30 sec arch hold
5 Pull-ups, any style
With a running clock...
1) 3 rounds for time of:
50 Double-Unders
15 TTB
10 Kipping HSPU
Rest 1:00 between 1&2.
2) 50 Clean & Jerks (anyhow)* 115/80#
For time.
*This should be done wearing a HR monitor. Break every 10 reps and wait :05 to read HR monitor readout. Begin the next set of 10 as soon as HR drops below 155BPM. If you do not have a HR monitor to gauge HR during rest intervals, find your pulse immediately when the rest period begins. Then count pulse beats for :05 – 13 beats in :05 = 156BPM - 14 beats in :05 = 168BPM.
Rest 1:00 between 2&3.
3) 3 rounds for time of:
50 Double-Unders
15 TTB
10 Kipping HSPU
Extra work:
1) 5x8 T&G (no rest in front-rack) Power Jerk, work to a max for the day
2A) Press 3x10
2B) Good mornings 3x12
Postural Restoration:
1) 90/90 5 breaths
2) Side planks 5 breaths each side
3) 20x Alternating Superhumans