

20x Leg swings each leg

10x World’s greatest stretch (5 each side)

10 Downward dog + push-up

10 FS with an empty barbell

1:00 Chin/toes HS hold

Completing the complex below, 5ish minutes to work up to 60% starting with an empty barbell


1) Every 2 minutes for 7 rounds, starting around 60% of 1RM:

2 Clean-pulls (not high, no elbows) + 1 Clean + 1 FS + 2 Jerks


***Note: Weights should be based off of 90% of your max——that's your "training max." This is just for strength work for this cycle.***

2A) FS: 50x5, 60x5, 70x5, 80x5+ (percentages based off "training max")

2B) Press: 50x5, 60x5, 70x5, 80x5+ (percentages based off "training max")


For time:

50 Dips (scale up to ring dips if you have muscle-ups)

60 Chest-to-bar pull-ups

***Chipper-style, finish dips before moving on to pull-ups.