20x Leg swings each leg
10x World’s greatest stretch (5 each side)
10 Downward dog + push-up
ME chin/toes HS hold
10 FS with an empty barbell
Completing the complex below, 5ish minutes to work up to 60% starting with an empty barbell
1) Every 2 minutes for 7 rounds, starting around 60% of 1RM:
2 Clean-pulls (not high, no elbows) + 1 Clean + 1 FS + 2 Jerks
2A) FS: 65x5, 75x5, 85x3, 95x1+
2B) Press: 65x5, 75x5, 85x3, 95x1+
All sets based off of training max (90% of 1RMs)
3-5 rounds each for time:
1” ME AB for calories
Rest as needed between sets