In ten minutes:
With an empty barbell, 2 rounds:
3 Hang Snatch high-pull + 3 Hang Snatch + 3 Heaving Snatch Balance
then, work up to 70% snatching doubles
1) Snatch:
70x1, 80x1, 85x1, 90x1, 95x1, 90x1
2A) 6x1 Strict Muscle-up + ME Muscle-ups, or Muscle-up transitions, or ME Dips, or ME Strict pull-ups
2B) FS: 70x3, 75x3, 84x3x3
3) 10 minutes alternating EMOM:
50 Double-unders
20 Push-ups (not HSPU)
Extra work:
1A) 5x5 RDL, AHAP
1B) 5x10 Strict toe-to-bar
Postural restoration:
3 sets:
1) 90/90 5 breaths
2) Side planks 5 breaths each side
3) 20x Alternating Superhumans