In ten minutes:
With an empty barbell, grab as many quality sets as possible. Do not add weight to barbell:
3 Hang Snatch pull + 3 Hang Power Snatch + 3 Heaving Snatch Balance
1) Snatch 65x5x3
2A) FS: 65x5x4
2B) 4X ME strict Muscle-ups or MU progressions
3) 10 minute AMRAP:
3 Bar muscle-ups
10 Burpees
5 Hip-to-bars
10 V-ups or v-tucks
10 Burpees
Extra work, before conditioning:
1A) Snatch Grip RDL 70-80x5x4 (that’s just a recommendation in terms of percentage, make sure to stay over the bar, with the bar pressed against the legs)
1B) Strict toe-to-bar 4X10