3 rounds:
10 Presses
10 Bent-over row
10 Jerk-grip OHS
work up to 70% of 1RM PC and PJ
1) Starting at 70% of 1RM Power Clean and Power Jerk and adding weight every round, drop weight after first miss
3 Touch and Go Power Clean and Power Jerk every 90 seconds for 7 rounds.
rest 2 minute
2) ME Power Clean and Power Jerk at 80% of 3RM
3A) Deadlift 5x3 searching for a conservative 3RM with no misses,
rest 90 sec (Use weights from last four weeks to guide you here, if you hit it for 5, you can hit it for three, push the weights within reason).
3B) 4x10 Deficit Strict HSPU + ME UB Strict HSPU***, rest 90 sec
4) For reps:
Tabata AD
Tabata C2BPU
Tabata Dubs