

3 rounds:

10 Split presses

10 Kang Squats empty BB


1) CJ complex:

5x1 Clean Pull + 1 Hang Clean + 3 FS + 1 Jerk, heavier than last week, rest 90-120 seconds strict


2A) 4x :45 sec ME Thruster at 90% of 5RM, rest 90 sec

2B) 4x:45sec ME C2B Pull-ups, rest 90 sec


3) 5 rounds:

30 sec ME AD

30 sec rest

30 sec ME KBS

30 sec rest

30 sec ME Dubs

30 sec rest

Extra work:

Aerobic capacity:

1) 4 rounds with HR @ 135-145BPM of:

Row 1k

100' OH Walking Lunges 45/35#

20 V-Ups

20 Ring Rows (feet elevated to same height as rings)

20 Freestanding Shoulder Taps (wall may be used if you cannot do these, but chest facing)

Postural restoration:

2A) 3xDeadbugs 10 breaths

2B) 3xISO Plank 10 breaths