Connectivity: In class:
1) Box Shoulder Stretch, 4X:20/:20off 2) 2X1:00 Chin/toes HS Hold, rest as needed between efforts
Extra credit:
3) Alternating EMOM for 10 minutes: On even minutes, starting at 0:00, ME L-hang. On odd minutes, starting at 1:00, ME Free-standning Handstand Hold
1) Find a 5RM Power Snatch.
Notes: Start at 45-50%. Light, perfect, fast.
1XME@80% of best from #1
2A) 4X10 Weighted Pause Ring Dips, 3 sec pause at bottom 2B) Back Squat 3X10 AHAP***
***Note: Start at 70% and work your way up to a 10RM in 3 sets. No lengthy pauses between reps.
Deadlifts@50% of 1RM HSPU/Push-ups