Connectivity: 1) 3X:40/:20off Arch hold, 2) 3X:40/:20off Hollow Hold 3) 3X8 Arch/Hollow Swing
Extra Credit:
4) 10 Bar-muscle-ups or progression (preferably outside, before class)
Barbell Cycling:
1) 4X5 Touch-and-go Power Clean and Power Jerk. No pauses or resting on the body to re-grip. Start at 60% and work to a true 5RM.
Competition: Complete 1XME set @80% of weight completed for at least 4 reps from #1.
2A) 4XME Chest-to-bar pull-ups/pull-ups/progression 2B) Deadlift 4X8@70%+ (absolutely no deviation from neutral spine; perfect, heavy reps, no bounce off floor)
3 rounds:
1 minute on 30 seconds off of: A) BB Farmers Carry hold@ 50-80% BW each arm B) Dubs C) Burpees