150804: 2RM Hang CJ

Connectivity: In Class, as a warm-up:

1) 4X:20/:20off Seated Pike Stretch with Flat back

2) 2X25’ Inch-worm with long 3 second count at top and bottom

After Class:

3) 2X:30 inverted hollow hold

4) 3X:40/:20off Arch hold,


1) 15 minutes to a 2RM Hang Clean and Jerk (Jerk after every Clean)

Competition: 1X1@90, 95, 100


2) FS: 1X5@60, 1X5@70, 1X5@75


3) 12” AMRAP:

12 steps KB/DB Over-head Walking Lunge right arm 20 TTB 20 steps KB/DB OHWL left arm 20 Push-press (95/65)