In ten minutes:
With an empty barbell, grab as many quality sets as possible. Do not add weight to barbell:
10 On-toe-split Jerks, alternating feet
10 Banded Jerk dips (3 sec pause at bottom of dip)
1) Split Jerk:
75x1, 85x1, 95x1, if you made 95% Max/PR attempt, if you missed, repeat 95%, or go 92.5%, then, 90x1
2A) 3XME strict HSPU, or Press 3X8
2B) BS: 70x2x3
3) For time:
With a partner:
Run 400m together
50 Thrusters @95/65 (tag-team)
Run 800m together
50 Power Snatch (tag-team) @95/65
Run 400m together
1) 3X5 OHS at 80% of 5RM
1A) 3 sets: internal rotation bridge
1B) 3 sets: iso plank
2) 20X Croc breath